The Lord Jesus Christ was beset by two sets of theological enemies. On the left were the Saducees, those aristocratic liberals whose skepticism took away so much from the word that God had given to Israel. And on the right were the Pharisees, whose legalistic self-righteousness and pride of race blotted out a gospel of Messianic grace and substituted the traditions of the elders and other additions to the word of God. As Christ himself foretold, so it has ever been, and so it is today. But while the church has paid great attention to the theological left, to today's Saducees, the modern scoffers, higher critics, liberal infidels, etc., who deny the most basic tenets of God's word, what about the theological right? What about today's Pharisees?
This book was written because there is a new and fast growing cult on the American Right that constitutes a revival of Phariseeism as it has never before been seen in this land. It was written because while there are many books on other cults such as the Mormons and the "Jehovah's Witnesses" etc., there was nothing specifically written to confront this cult with the truth of God's word with regard to their heresies.
The cult that we are referring to is the cult of British-Israelism. A cult that maintains that the Anglo-Saxon race constitute the lost tribes of Israel, that they are the people of God by race and pedigree, and that they have salvation as a birthright. A cult that believes that the kingdom of God is to be established by the world-wide empire of the "White race". A cult that has bypassed the cross, cast off the need for faith and repentance, and is bold in its self-righteousness. For a thorough and scriptural refutation of this cult, and a defense of Paul's gospel and the historic Christian faith, you need to read this book.
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