For Such a Time

This is basically a historical and ethical commentary on the Book of Esther.  It seeks to give the reader an accurate understanding of the events, of what is actually happening, and also to give an understanding of the ethical issues that are raised by the events in the story and to seek to resolve them in the light of God's word. 

It deals with the answers to a host of questions that might come up in a reader's mind but are not answered by a plain reading of the text of Esther.  Some questions are...

bulletWho was Ahasuerus? (There are three different Ahasueruses in the Scriptures.)
bulletWhat was the purpose of his big feast with all his nobles?
bulletWhy did Vashti refuse to appear at the feast when summoned?
bulletWhy would Mordecai enroll his daughter Esther in a pageant whose winner would have to enter into a polygamous marriage with a heathen monarch, when both conditions were forbidden by the laws of Israel?
bulletWhy did Mordecai refuse to bow to Haman when that almost led to the destruction of his people throughout the Persian Empire?

If you have ever wondered about the answers to these questions, and a host of others, this commentary will be of great help to you.  It seeks to answer these questions, and many more, based upon an analysis of both Scripture and history. 

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