The Auburn Avenue Theology
By Brian Schwertley
Published by
American Presbyterian Press
Saunderstown, Rhode Island
Reviewed by Louis F. DeBoer
This is Rev. Brian Schwertley's latest book. It is his contribution to the current controversies regarding the Biblical doctrine of justification by faith. It is in final stages of editing and will be published early in 2005, D.V. It is of course scandalous that almost 500 years after Luther nailed up the 95 theses on the church door in Wittenburg, 450 years after the completion of Calvin's reformation in Geneva, and 350 years after the Westminster Assembly, that Presbyterian and Reformed churches need to to raise up a defense of this doctrine, which lies not only at the heart of the Protestant reformation, but is the very essence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The book consists of three parts. The first is a sound defense and Biblical exposition of the doctrine of justification by faith alone. It includes also a systematic refutation of the "Auburn Ave. theology", of the "new perspective on Paul," and of the errors of Norman Shepherd. All of the above cited errors (they are not really just errors, but are serious heresies, that place their adherents outside the pale of orthodox Christianity) are currently plaguing Presbyterian and Reformed denominations, particularly the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) and the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA.) Significantly, neither of these denominations have done anything to discipline or confront those in their communion who are assiduously spreading these errors and defending those who do. Rev. Schwertley's book is therefore a necessary antidote to these poisons especially as so many of the undershepherds of the flock have left the sheep defenseless against these wolves.
The second part of the book is a review of what the Bible teaches about false prophets and how they operate. It is imperative that the Lord's people appreciate that this is not merely a difference between brethren, or a complex theological matter that should be left up the experts, but a grave matter of soul destroying heresy. This section of the book deals with that, and sounds the warning that we are dealing with false brethren; indeed with false teachers or false prophets. If this sounds shocking and uncharitable to some, remember the following...
22 of the 27 books of the New Testament contain warnings to the Lord's people about false prophets. Do we think that we are immune and have no need of such warnings? | |
The Apostle Paul warned that there must needs be heresies among the Lord's people that those which are approved may be made manifest (1 Corinthians 11:19). Are we immune to how the Lord is constantly separating the sheep from the goats in the visible church? | |
Christ warned that in the latter days there would arise many false prophets. |
Finally, the third part of the book is an exposition of the active obedience of Christ, a demonstration of how people like Norman Shepherd denied this important doctrine, and how its denial opens the way for his heresy of justification by faith and works. Christ's active obedience refers to his perfect and sinless life. The orthodox doctrine of the atonement contains the concept of a double imputation. First of all our sins are imputed to Christ who paid the penalty for them on the cross. Secondly, Christ's perfect obedience to the moral law, his perfect sinless righteousness, is imputed to us. The first takes away the guilt of our sins and God's wrath thereon. The second makes us forensically righteous in the sight of God, that is we are legally declared righteous. The first delivers us from hell and the wrath of God to come. The second gains us entrance into heaven and into the presence of a thrice holy God of purer eyes that to behold evil and who cannot fellowship with iniquity. The apostles of this false gospel, [which is no gospel (i.e. good news) but rather contains the bad news that the rags of our own righteousness needs to be brushed up so that they can pass muster at the final judgment.] could never get to first base in their efforts to confuse and deceive the very elect if the Lord's people were so ignorant and untaught of the specifics of the very gospel itself. A generation of weak Bible teaching and an emphasis on the subjective aspects rather than on the objective doctrines of salvation, have left the sheep vulnerable to these subtle errors, couched in the sophisticated and fine sounding words of those who lie in wait to deceive. Rev. Schwertley's book is again an excellent and much needed antidote to this problem.
The American Presbyterian Press is co-publishing this work with the Covenanted Reformation Press that publishes most of Rev. Schwertley's writings. It is highly recommended for those who would strengthen themselves against these errors and against the corruption of their faith by these false teachers.